cleanup README

This commit is contained in:
Gregor Michels 2022-07-03 02:41:50 +02:00
parent e3210198ff
commit d4432cb0f4
1 changed files with 45 additions and 62 deletions

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@ -4,72 +4,55 @@ This repo contains the config and documentation for our installation at the "Ers
--- ---
**more documentation / information will follow** **this is a work in progress**
--- ---
## Admin Guide ## Quick Links
* `ansible`
* `pandoc` (for offline documentation generation)
* `pass`
### Password Manager
1. import all gpg keys (only on first use or new admin - all keys need to be trusted - use `--edit-key` to edit the trust level):
user@freifunk-admin:~/ffl-eae-adp/files/gpg$ gpg --import *
gpg: key F937CB4882C16136: "hirnpfirsich@ffl-eae-adp-password" not changed
gpg: key 2438B8ADFDF45447: 1 signature not checked due to a missing key
gpg: key 2438B8ADFDF45447: "Alexander Böhm <>" not changed
gpg: Total number processed: 2
gpg: unchanged: 2
2. source environment (on every new shell):
user@freifunk-admin:~/ffl-eae-adp$ . environment
3. use :)
user@freifunk-admin:~/ffl-eae-adp$ pass
Password Store
├── accesspoints
│   ├── ap-0b99
│   ├── ap-1a38
│   ├── ap-2bbf
│   ├── ap-8f39
### SSH
use `playbook_create_ssh_config.yml` to generate an `ssh_config` file that gets linked into your `ssh_config`.
optionally specify a jumphost (ie. `eae-adp-jump01`)
user@freifunk-admin:~/ffl-eae-adp$ ansible-playbook -e jumphost=eae-adp-jump01 playbook_create_ssh_config.yml
PLAY [generate ssh_config] ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
TASK [generate ssh_config file] *************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [localhost]
TASK [include custom ssh_config] ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost]
PLAY RECAP **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
localhost : ok=2 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
user@freifunk-admin:~/ffl-eae-adp$ ssh gw-core01 uptime
23:54:52 up 6:49, load average: 0.05, 0.01, 0.00
## Links
* [Documentation](documentation/ * [Documentation](documentation/
* [Incidents](documentation/ * [Incidents](documentation/
* [TODO](documentation/ * [TODO](documentation/
## Usage
### Requirements
* `pass` (password manager)
* `pandoc` (offline documentation generation)
* `python3` (ansible)
* `python3-venv` (ansible)
* `rsync` (ansible)
### Initial Setup
0. install requirements
1. clone repo and change directory: `git clone && cd ffl-aea-adp`
2. create python3 virtual enviroment: `python3 -m venv ansible-environment`
3. enter python3 virtual environment: `. ansible-environment/bin/activate`
4. install ansible and dependencies: `pip3 install -r ansible-environment.txt`
5. import all gpg keys for `pass`: `gpg --import files/gpg/*`
6. trust all imported gpg keys: `gpg --edit-key <id>` with `trust` and `5` for every key
7. create `ssh_config` with all hosts: `ansible-playbook playbook_create_ssh_config.yml` (use `-e jumphost=eae-adp-jump01` to configure ssh to use `eae-adp-jump01` as the jump host)
8. leave python3 virtual environment: `deactivate`
### Daily Usage
Before doing enything you need to enter the environment: `. environment`
After using `playbook_create_ssh_config.yml` you can call `ssh` simply with the name of the machine (ie. `ssh gw-core01`).
The `ssh_config` file is generated from the `ansible-inventory`.
Should something in the inventory change or you want to use/change the jumphost simply reexecute the playbook.
Passwords managed using `pass`. Simply call `pass` after sourcing the environment.
### Descriptions
* `environment`: configure environment (path to `pass` store, http(s) socks proxy and python venv for ansible)
* `playbook_create_ssh_config.yml`: playbook to create an additional `ssh_config` file (`.ssh/ffl_eae_adp_config`) that get's included in the default `ssh_config`
* `playbook_distribute_authorized_keys.yml`: deploy `files/authorized_keys` on all machines
* `playbook_provision_accesspoints.yml`: configure accesspoints
* `playbook_provision_backbone.yml`: configure wg tunnel and ospf link between `gw-core01` and `eae-adp-jump01`
* `playbook_provision_eap-adp-jump01.yml`: general system configuration for `eae-adp-jump01` (monitoring, routing, ...)
* `playbook_provision_hyper01.yml`: general system configuration for `hyper01` and create vms/containers
* `playbook_provision_monitoring.yml`: configure and install prometheus and grafana on `monitoring01`