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148 lines
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# Set base URL for site - must end with a trailing slash
baseURL: https://dezentrale.space/
theme: slick
# Site title (not shown if commented out or set to false)
# (If you disable this, add some link on the index page inside menu.main,
# otherwise your visitors will get confused and lost...)
title: dezentrale
languageCode: de
defaultContentLanguage: de
# Will appear below the footer links with a © sign and the current year
copyright: dezentrale e.V.
unsafe: true # Allow html (needed for some shortcodes)
codeFences: true # Enable highlighting inside codefences
guessSyntax: true # Highlight code without language tag
noClasses: false # Use the theme's style sheet
canonifyURLs: true
metaDataFormat: yaml
# Configure pagination
paginate: 10
paginatePath: page
# Site subtitle (not shown if commented out or set to false)
subtitle: Hackspace Leipzig
description: dezentrale e.V. — Hackspace Leipzig
# Favicon file (relative to baseURL - place below static or assets folder)
favicon: favicon.png
# Custom css file (relative to baseURL - place below static or assets folder)
css: custom.css
# Define formatting of dates
# (optional, falls back to RFC822 format if not set)
# For reference to date and time formatting, see:
# https://gohugo.io/functions/format/#hugo-date-and-time-templating-reference
# Make sure to set showMetaDates to true to see any dates
datefmt: Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 MST
# Redefine main sections to show only the root page as home page
mainSections: [root]
# Header with title/subtitle can be disabled here.
# (If you disable this, add some link on the index page inside menu.main,
# otherwise your visitors will get confused and lost...)
showNavHeader: false
# Decide if only summaries are shown on the main page or the full content
showFullContent: true
# If false no pagination is shown when there is nothing to paginate
showEmptyPagination: false
# If false the title, dates and taxonomy are not shown on single view
showMeta: true
# If false the dates for the posts are not shown
showMetaDates: true
# If false the taxonomy links for the posts are not shown
showMetaLinks: true
# Uses Hugo internal templates if set
opengraph: true
schema: true
twitter_cards: true
# Define all supported taxonomies
category: categories
series: series
tag: tags
name: Eris Discordia
# email: root@localhost
# Configure main menu entries (header)
# Currently set to list all taxonomies and posts
- identifier: post
name: Blog
url: /posts/
weight: 20
# Define the entries for post metadata
# Identifiers should match with the taxonomy entries
- identifier: categories
name: Categories
weight: 10
- identifier: series
name: Series
weight: 20
- identifier: tags
name: Tags
weight: 30
# Add some footer links to your likings
- title: Repositories
name: Git
url: https://git.dezentrale.cloud
weight: 20
- title: Knowledge base
name: Wiki
url: https://wiki.dezentrale.space
weight: 21
- title: Mastodon
name: Mastodon
url: https://chaos.social/@dezentrale
weight: 30
# Enable generation of robots.txt
enableRobotsTXT: true
# Configure sitemap
# Values are 'always', 'hourly', 'daily',' weekly', 'monthly', 'yearly',
# and 'never'. Set to empty string to omit inclusion
changefreq: weekly
# Adjust filename of sitemap. (default: sitemap.xml)
filename: sitemap.xml
# Values range from 0.0 to 1.0. Set to -1 to omit inclusion
priority: -1