
152 lines
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using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.Compression.Streams;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.Compression
internal class InflaterDynHeader
#region Constants
// maximum number of literal/length codes
private const int LITLEN_MAX = 286;
// maximum number of distance codes
private const int DIST_MAX = 30;
// maximum data code lengths to read
private const int CODELEN_MAX = LITLEN_MAX + DIST_MAX;
// maximum meta code length codes to read
private const int META_MAX = 19;
private static readonly int[] MetaCodeLengthIndex =
{ 16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15 };
#endregion Constants
/// <summary>
/// Continue decoding header from <see cref="input"/> until more bits are needed or decoding has been completed
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Returns whether decoding could be completed</returns>
public bool AttemptRead()
=> !state.MoveNext() || state.Current;
public InflaterDynHeader(StreamManipulator input)
this.input = input;
stateMachine = CreateStateMachine();
state = stateMachine.GetEnumerator();
private IEnumerable<bool> CreateStateMachine()
// Read initial code length counts from header
while (!input.TryGetBits(5, ref litLenCodeCount, 257)) yield return false;
while (!input.TryGetBits(5, ref distanceCodeCount, 1)) yield return false;
while (!input.TryGetBits(4, ref metaCodeCount, 4)) yield return false;
var dataCodeCount = litLenCodeCount + distanceCodeCount;
if (litLenCodeCount > LITLEN_MAX) throw new ValueOutOfRangeException(nameof(litLenCodeCount));
if (distanceCodeCount > DIST_MAX) throw new ValueOutOfRangeException(nameof(distanceCodeCount));
if (metaCodeCount > META_MAX) throw new ValueOutOfRangeException(nameof(metaCodeCount));
// Load code lengths for the meta tree from the header bits
for (int i = 0; i < metaCodeCount; i++)
while (!input.TryGetBits(3, ref codeLengths, MetaCodeLengthIndex[i])) yield return false;
var metaCodeTree = new InflaterHuffmanTree(codeLengths);
// Decompress the meta tree symbols into the data table code lengths
int index = 0;
while (index < dataCodeCount)
byte codeLength;
int symbol;
while ((symbol = metaCodeTree.GetSymbol(input)) < 0) yield return false;
if (symbol < 16)
// append literal code length
codeLengths[index++] = (byte)symbol;
int repeatCount = 0;
if (symbol == 16) // Repeat last code length 3..6 times
if (index == 0)
throw new StreamDecodingException("Cannot repeat previous code length when no other code length has been read");
codeLength = codeLengths[index - 1];
// 2 bits + 3, [3..6]
while (!input.TryGetBits(2, ref repeatCount, 3)) yield return false;
else if (symbol == 17) // Repeat zero 3..10 times
codeLength = 0;
// 3 bits + 3, [3..10]
while (!input.TryGetBits(3, ref repeatCount, 3)) yield return false;
else // (symbol == 18), Repeat zero 11..138 times
codeLength = 0;
// 7 bits + 11, [11..138]
while (!input.TryGetBits(7, ref repeatCount, 11)) yield return false;
if (index + repeatCount > dataCodeCount)
throw new StreamDecodingException("Cannot repeat code lengths past total number of data code lengths");
while (repeatCount-- > 0)
codeLengths[index++] = codeLength;
if (codeLengths[256] == 0)
throw new StreamDecodingException("Inflater dynamic header end-of-block code missing");
litLenTree = new InflaterHuffmanTree(new ArraySegment<byte>(codeLengths, 0, litLenCodeCount));
distTree = new InflaterHuffmanTree(new ArraySegment<byte>(codeLengths, litLenCodeCount, distanceCodeCount));
yield return true;
/// <summary>
/// Get literal/length huffman tree, must not be used before <see cref="AttemptRead"/> has returned true
/// </summary>
/// <exception cref="StreamDecodingException">If hader has not been successfully read by the state machine</exception>
public InflaterHuffmanTree LiteralLengthTree
=> litLenTree ?? throw new StreamDecodingException("Header properties were accessed before header had been successfully read");
/// <summary>
/// Get distance huffman tree, must not be used before <see cref="AttemptRead"/> has returned true
/// </summary>
/// <exception cref="StreamDecodingException">If hader has not been successfully read by the state machine</exception>
public InflaterHuffmanTree DistanceTree
=> distTree ?? throw new StreamDecodingException("Header properties were accessed before header had been successfully read");
#region Instance Fields
private readonly StreamManipulator input;
private readonly IEnumerator<bool> state;
private readonly IEnumerable<bool> stateMachine;
private byte[] codeLengths = new byte[CODELEN_MAX];
private InflaterHuffmanTree litLenTree;
private InflaterHuffmanTree distTree;
private int litLenCodeCount, distanceCodeCount, metaCodeCount;
#endregion Instance Fields