
528 lines
21 KiB
Raw Normal View History

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using dezentrale.model;
namespace dezentrale.view
public class frmMoneyTransfer : Form
private MoneyTransfer mt = null;
private bool writeEnabled = true;
private Type mtType = typeof(MoneyTransfer);
private Member assignedTo = null;
//Basic fields
//Id - auto-assigned
private ComboBoxKV cbAssigned;
private ComboBoxKV cbType; //!< Selection of @ref MoneyTransfer.eTransferType
private DateTimePicker valutaDate;
private TextBox tbAmount;
private ComboBox cbCurrency;
private TextBox tbTransferReason;
//CashTransfer fields
private TextBox tbCashRecipeNumber;
//BankTransfer fields
private TextBox tbBankAccountInCharge;
private DateTimePicker bankBookingDate;
private TextBox tbBankBookingText;
private TextBox tbBankCreditorID;
private TextBox tbBankMandateReference;
private TextBox tbBankClientReference;
private TextBox tbBankSammlerreferenz;
private TextBox tbBankLastschriftUrsprungsbetrag;
private TextBox tbBankAuslagenersatzRuecklastschrift;
private TextBox tbBankRecipientOrDebitor;
private TextBox tbBankIBAN;
private TextBox tbBankBIC;
private TextBox tbBankInfo;
private const int margin = 5;
private const int lm = margin; //Left margin
private const int tm = margin; //Top margin
private const int rm = margin; //Right margin
private const int bm = margin; //Bottom margin
private const int line = 20 + margin; //lineheight
private const int labelHeight = 14;
private const int labelOffs = 3;
private void AddOkCancel(Control parent, EventHandler okEvent, EventHandler cancelEvent, bool writeEnabled)
Button ok = new Button()
Text = "OK",
Location = new System.Drawing.Point(parent.Width - 170 - rm, parent.Height - 87),
Anchor = AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Bottom,
Enabled = writeEnabled,
if (writeEnabled) ok.Click += okEvent;
Button cancel = new Button()
Text = "Cancel",
Location = new System.Drawing.Point(parent.Width - 85 - rm, parent.Height - 87),
Anchor = AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Bottom,
cancel.Click += cancelEvent;
ok.Height += 2;
cancel.Height += 2;
private TabPage BuildBankTransferGui()
TabPage bank = new TabPage()
Text = "BankTransfer",
bank.Controls.Add(new Label()
Text = "Account In Charge:",
Location = new Point(lm, 0 * line + tm + labelOffs),
Size = new Size(110, labelHeight),
TextAlign = ContentAlignment.BottomRight,
bank.Controls.Add(tbBankAccountInCharge = new TextBox()
Location = new Point(lm + 113, 0 * line + tm),
Width = 100,
bank.Controls.Add(new Label()
Text = "BookingDate:",
Location = new Point(lm, 1 * line + tm + labelOffs),
Size = new Size(110, labelHeight),
TextAlign = ContentAlignment.BottomRight,
bank.Controls.Add(bankBookingDate = new DateTimePicker()
Location = new Point(lm + 113, 1 * line + tm),
Width = 100,
Format = DateTimePickerFormat.Short,
bank.Controls.Add(new Label()
Text = "Booking Text:",
Location = new Point(lm, 2 * line + tm + labelOffs),
Size = new Size(110, labelHeight),
TextAlign = ContentAlignment.BottomRight,
bank.Controls.Add(tbBankBookingText = new TextBox()
Location = new Point(lm + 113, 2 * line + tm),
Width = 100,
bank.Controls.Add(new Label()
Text = "Creditor ID:",
Location = new Point(lm, 3 * line + tm + labelOffs),
Size = new Size(110, labelHeight),
TextAlign = ContentAlignment.BottomRight,
bank.Controls.Add(tbBankCreditorID = new TextBox()
Location = new Point(lm + 113, 3 * line + tm),
Width = 100,
bank.Controls.Add(new Label()
Text = "MandateReference:",
Location = new Point(lm, 4 * line + tm + labelOffs),
Size = new Size(110, labelHeight),
TextAlign = ContentAlignment.BottomRight,
bank.Controls.Add(tbBankMandateReference = new TextBox()
Location = new Point(lm + 113, 4 * line + tm),
Width = 100,
bank.Controls.Add(new Label()
Text = "ClientReference:",
Location = new Point(lm, 5 * line + tm + labelOffs),
Size = new Size(110, labelHeight),
TextAlign = ContentAlignment.BottomRight,
bank.Controls.Add(tbBankClientReference = new TextBox()
Location = new Point(lm + 113, 5 * line + tm),
Width = 100,
bank.Controls.Add(new Label()
Text = "Sammlerreferenz:",
Location = new Point(lm, 6 * line + tm + labelOffs),
Size = new Size(110, labelHeight),
TextAlign = ContentAlignment.BottomRight,
bank.Controls.Add(tbBankSammlerreferenz = new TextBox()
Location = new Point(lm + 113, 6 * line + tm),
Width = 100,
bank.Controls.Add(new Label()
Text = "LastschriftUrsprungsbetrag:",
Location = new Point(lm + 308, 0 * line + tm + labelOffs),
Size = new Size(110, labelHeight),
TextAlign = ContentAlignment.BottomRight,
bank.Controls.Add(tbBankLastschriftUrsprungsbetrag = new TextBox()
Location = new Point(lm + 421, 0 * line + tm),
Width = 100,
bank.Controls.Add(new Label()
Text = "Auslagenersatz Ruecklastschrift:",
Location = new Point(lm + 308, 1 * line + tm + labelOffs),
Size = new Size(110, labelHeight),
TextAlign = ContentAlignment.BottomRight,
bank.Controls.Add(tbBankAuslagenersatzRuecklastschrift = new TextBox()
Location = new Point(lm + 421, 1 * line + tm),
Width = 100,
bank.Controls.Add(new Label()
Text = "RecipientOrDebitor:",
Location = new Point(lm + 308, 2 * line + tm + labelOffs),
Size = new Size(110, labelHeight),
TextAlign = ContentAlignment.BottomRight,
bank.Controls.Add(tbBankRecipientOrDebitor = new TextBox()
Location = new Point(lm + 421, 2 * line + tm),
Width = 100,
bank.Controls.Add(new Label()
Text = "IBAN:",
Location = new Point(lm + 308, 3 * line + tm + labelOffs),
Size = new Size(110, labelHeight),
TextAlign = ContentAlignment.BottomRight,
bank.Controls.Add(tbBankIBAN = new TextBox()
Location = new Point(lm + 421, 3 * line + tm),
Width = 100,
bank.Controls.Add(new Label()
Text = "BIC:",
Location = new Point(lm + 308, 4 * line + tm + labelOffs),
Size = new Size(110, labelHeight),
TextAlign = ContentAlignment.BottomRight,
bank.Controls.Add(tbBankBIC = new TextBox()
Location = new Point(lm + 421, 4 * line + tm),
Width = 100,
bank.Controls.Add(new Label()
Text = "Info:",
Location = new Point(lm + 308, 5 * line + tm + labelOffs),
Size = new Size(110, labelHeight),
TextAlign = ContentAlignment.BottomRight,
bank.Controls.Add(tbBankInfo = new TextBox()
Location = new Point(lm + 421, 5 * line + tm),
Width = 100,
AddOkCancel(bank, btnBankOK_Click, btnCancel_Click, writeEnabled);
if (mt != null && mt.GetType() == typeof(BankTransfer))
BankTransfer bt = (BankTransfer)mt;
tbBankAccountInCharge.Text = bt.AccountInCharge;
try { bankBookingDate.Value = bt.BookingDate; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); }
tbBankBookingText.Text = bt.BookingText;
tbBankCreditorID.Text = bt.CreditorID;
tbBankMandateReference.Text = bt.MandateReference;
tbBankClientReference.Text = bt.ClientReference;
tbBankSammlerreferenz.Text = bt.Sammlerreferenz;
tbBankLastschriftUrsprungsbetrag.Text = bt.LastschriftUrsprungsbetrag;
tbBankAuslagenersatzRuecklastschrift.Text = bt.AuslagenersatzRuecklastschrift;
tbBankRecipientOrDebitor.Text = bt.RecipientOrDebitor;
tbBankIBAN.Text = bt.IBAN;
tbBankBIC.Text = bt.BIC;
tbBankInfo.Text = bt.Info;
return bank;
private TabPage BuildCashTransferGui()
TabPage cash = new TabPage()
Text = "CashTransfer",
cash.Controls.Add(new Label()
Text = "Recipe Number:",
Location = new Point(lm, 0 * line + tm + labelOffs),
Size = new Size(110, labelHeight),
TextAlign = ContentAlignment.BottomRight,
cash.Controls.Add(tbCashRecipeNumber = new TextBox()
Location = new Point(lm + 113, 0 * line + tm),
Width = 100,
AddOkCancel(cash, btnCashOK_Click, btnCancel_Click, writeEnabled);
if (mt != null && mt.GetType() == typeof(CashTransfer))
CashTransfer ct = (CashTransfer)mt;
tbCashRecipeNumber.Text = ct.RecipeNumber;
return cash;
private void BuildMoneyTransferGui()
this.Size = new Size(600, 400);
this.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent;
this.Text = (assignedTo != null ? $"{assignedTo.Number:D3} ({assignedTo.Nickname}) - " : "Not assigned - ")
+ (mt == null ? "Add" : (writeEnabled ? "Edit" : "View"))
+ " Money Transfer";
this.Controls.Add(new Label()
Text = "Assigned to:",
Location = new Point(lm, 0 * line + tm + labelOffs),
Size = new Size(110, labelHeight),
TextAlign = ContentAlignment.BottomRight,
this.Controls.Add(cbAssigned = new ComboBoxKV()
Location = new Point(lm + 118, 0 * line + tm),
Width = 180,
Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left,
DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList,
Enabled = mt == null ? true : !mt.AssignFixed,
cbAssigned.AddKV("- Unassigned -", 0);
cbAssigned.SelectedIndex = 0;
foreach(Member m in Program.members.Entries)
cbAssigned.AddKV($"{m.Number:D3} ({m.Nickname})", m.Number);
if (m == assignedTo)
cbAssigned.SelectedIndex = cbAssigned.Items.Count - 1;
cbAssigned.Enabled = false;
this.Controls.Add(new Label()
Text = "Type:",
Location = new Point(lm, 1 * line + tm + labelOffs),
Size = new Size(110, labelHeight),
TextAlign = ContentAlignment.BottomRight,
this.Controls.Add(cbType = new ComboBoxKV()
Location = new Point(lm + 118, 1 * line + tm),
Width = 180,
Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left,
DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList,
Enabled = mt == null ? true : !mt.AssignFixed,
this.Controls.Add(new Label()
Text = "ValutaDate:",
Location = new Point(lm, 2 * line + tm + labelOffs),
Size = new Size(110, labelOffs),
TextAlign = ContentAlignment.BottomRight,
this.Controls.Add(valutaDate = new DateTimePicker()
Location = new Point(lm + 118, 2 * line + tm),
Width = 100,
Format = DateTimePickerFormat.Short,
this.Controls.Add(new Label()
Text = "Amount:",
Location = new Point(lm, 3 * line + tm + labelOffs),
Size = new Size(110, labelOffs),
TextAlign = ContentAlignment.BottomRight,
this.Controls.Add(tbAmount = new TextBox()
Text = "0,00",
Location = new Point(lm + 118, 3 * line + tm),
Width = 100,
Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left,
TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Right,
this.Controls.Add(cbCurrency = new ComboBox()
Location = new Point(lm + 228, 3 * line + tm),
Width = 70,
Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left,
DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList,
ForeColor = Color.Black,
cbCurrency.SelectedIndex = 0;
this.Controls.Add(new Label()
Text = "Transfer reason:",
Location = new Point(lm + 308, 0 * line + tm + labelOffs),
Size = new Size(110, labelOffs),
TextAlign = ContentAlignment.BottomLeft,
this.Controls.Add(tbTransferReason = new TextBox()
Multiline = true,
Location = new Point(lm + 308, 1 * line + tm),
Width = this.Width - lm - rm - 324,
Height = 3 * (line + tm),
Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right,
TabControl tbc = new TabControl()
Location = new Point(0, 105),
Size = new Size(this.Width, this.Height - 80),
Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Bottom,
MoneyTransfer.eTransferType typeVal = MoneyTransfer.eTransferType.Unassigned;
if (mt != null)
try { valutaDate.Value = mt.ValutaDate; } catch(Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); }
tbAmount.Text = mt.AmountString;
if (mt.Currency != "EUR")
cbCurrency.SelectedIndex = 1;
typeVal = mt.TransferType;
tbTransferReason.Text = mt.TransferReason;
foreach (MoneyTransfer.eTransferType type in Enum.GetValues(typeof(MoneyTransfer.eTransferType)))
KeyValue kv = cbType.AddKV($"{type}", type);
if (type == typeVal) cbType.SelectedItem = kv;
bool mtAll = (mtType == typeof(MoneyTransfer));
if (mtAll || mtType == typeof(CashTransfer)) tbc.TabPages.Add(BuildCashTransferGui());
if (mtAll || mtType == typeof(BankTransfer)) tbc.TabPages.Add(BuildBankTransferGui());
public frmMoneyTransfer(MoneyTransfer src, bool writeEnabled = true)
mt = src;
if (mt == null) throw new NullReferenceException("frmMoneyTransfer: supplied MoneyTransfer is null.");
mtType = mt.GetType();
this.writeEnabled = writeEnabled;
this.assignedTo = Program.members.Find(mt.MemberNumber);
public frmMoneyTransfer(Type srcType = null, Member assignTo = null)
mtType = srcType ?? typeof(MoneyTransfer);
this.writeEnabled = true;
this.assignedTo = assignTo;
private void btnCashOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
if (mt == null) mt = new CashTransfer();
private void btnBankOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
if (mt == null) mt = new BankTransfer();
private void btnCancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
mt = null;
public MoneyTransfer FillMoneyTransfer()
//At this point, mt cannot be zero because it's initialized by the OK buttons on every tab.
//but, friendly as we are, we handle this anyway
if (mt == null) throw new NullReferenceException("No MoneyTransfer was created. User didn't click OK");
if (!mt.AssignFixed)
mt.MemberNumber = (uint)((KeyValue)cbAssigned.SelectedItem).Value;
mt.TransferType = (MoneyTransfer.eTransferType)((KeyValue)cbType.SelectedItem).Value;
mt.ValutaDate = valutaDate.Value;
2020-03-04 16:49:33 +00:00
mt.Amount = core.Utils.StringToInt64FP(tbAmount.Text);
mt.Currency = cbCurrency.Text;
mt.TransferReason = tbTransferReason.Text;
if (mt.GetType() == typeof(CashTransfer))
CashTransfer ct = (CashTransfer)mt;
ct.RecipeNumber = tbCashRecipeNumber.Text;
if (mt.GetType() == typeof(BankTransfer))
BankTransfer bt = (BankTransfer)mt;
bt.AccountInCharge = tbBankAccountInCharge.Text;
bt.BookingDate = bankBookingDate.Value;
bt.BookingText = tbBankBookingText.Text;
bt.CreditorID = tbBankCreditorID.Text;
bt.MandateReference = tbBankMandateReference.Text;
bt.ClientReference = tbBankClientReference.Text;
bt.Sammlerreferenz = tbBankSammlerreferenz.Text;
bt.LastschriftUrsprungsbetrag = tbBankLastschriftUrsprungsbetrag.Text;
bt.AuslagenersatzRuecklastschrift = tbBankAuslagenersatzRuecklastschrift.Text;
bt.RecipientOrDebitor = tbBankRecipientOrDebitor.Text;
bt.IBAN = tbBankIBAN.Text;
bt.BIC = tbBankBIC.Text;
bt.Info = tbBankInfo.Text;
return mt;