--- title: Gleeetch Space slug: gleeetch-space description: Music Hackspace draft: false showmetadates: false showmetalinks: false tags: - Event categories: - Event event: weekly: intro: >- Collaborative Music Hackspace for audio-visual hacking of hardware and software with Olio. Platform for anyone to connect, participate, perform, help at events and workshops and just learn from each other. weekday: Dienstag annotation: >- außer letzten Dienstag im Monat begin: '19.30' finish: '22.30' matrix_channel: '#audiohacking:chat.dezentrale.space' --- {{< event_weekly >}} "Gleeetch Space" - collaborative space for audio-visual hacking of hardware and software where one can also be antisocial :) Its also a platform for anyone to connect, participate, perform, help at events and workshops and just learn from each other. Olio aka Oliotronix can, for starters, offer circuit bending sessions for beginners and is planning to organize small “music hackspace” events. Preferably with help of others. Anyone is welcome to join for these missions and offer their skills and ideas or just come hang and nerd out with circuits and ideas! Follow this space and let stuff happen! When: Every Tuesday apart from the last Tuesday of the month. Looking for help to run it every tuesday in case if i'm not available (because i know that i will be busy due to studies next year). Preferably german speaking person ;) Keywords: - hacking - modifying - repurposing - audio - visual - hardware - software - circuit bending - glitch - sometimes flinta oriented but mostly - everyone can attend - skill sharing sessions.