{{- $intro := $.Page.Param "event.weekly.intro" }} {{- if not $intro }} {{- errorf "missing value for 'event.weekly.intro': %s" .Position }} {{- end }} {{- $weekday := $.Page.Param "event.weekly.weekday" }} {{- if not $weekday }} {{- errorf "missing value for 'event.weekly.weekday': %s" .Position }} {{- end }} {{- $begin := $.Page.Param "event.weekly.begin" }} {{- if not $begin }} {{- errorf "missing value for 'event.weekly.begin': %s" .Position }} {{- end }} {{- $finish := $.Page.Param "event.weekly.finish" }} {{- $interval := $.Page.Param "event.weekly.interval" }} {{- $annotation := $.Page.Param "event.weekly.annotation" }} {{- $link := $.Page.Param "event.weekly.link" }} {{- $remote_url := $.Page.Param "event.weekly.remote_url" }} {{- $matrix_channel := $.Page.Param "event.weekly.matrix_channel" }} {{- $tel := $.Page.Param "event.weekly.tel" }}

{{ $intro }}

Jeden {{- with $interval }} {{ . }} {{ $weekday }} im Monat {{- else }} {{ $weekday }} {{- end }} {{- with $begin }} von {{ . }} Uhr bis {{- with $finish }} {{ . }} Uhr {{- else }} open end {{- end }} {{- end }}
{{- with $annotation }}
({{ . }})
{{- end }} {{- with $remote_url }}
Remote Treffen
Das Event findet virtuell statt: {{ . }}
{{- end }} {{- with $matrix_channel }}
Matrix Channel
{{ . }}
{{- end }} {{- with $tel }}
+49 221 - 59 61 9 {{ . }}
{{- end }} {{- with $link }}
{{ . }}
{{- end }}