Known bugs Revision Current (no date yet) ------------------------------ Revision 2022-06-07 ------------------- - The LEDs for all bidirectional signals are activated only by pullups, which may lead to low brightness and a signal voltage level that is below the desired 5V. Workaround: Solder the LEDs in reverse and connect them to 5V instead of GND, as the signal LOW state can sink more current. Will be fixed upon redesign/cleanup. - ESP32 (azdelivery) has a wrong symbol where the "CMD" pin is labelled as GND, which resulted in a short to GND on this pin. Workaround: Remove the contacts from the pinheader that connects the PCB to the ESP. Will be fixed upon redesign/cleanup. - ESP32 GPIO12 is not supposed to be pulled up HIGH during boot (the pin doubles as a bootstrapping pin, and will result in a boot loop if set to HIGH) Workaround: Cut trace at the GPIO12 pin, connect the signal to GPIO13 Will be fixed upon redesign/cleanup. - The ESP isn't programmable when inserted into the socket on the PCB. More and more bootstrapping issues. In the end, the following remapping was necessary in total: Signal Old New ESP_D0 GPIO12 GPIO13 ok ESP_D5 GPIO5 GPIO18 ok ESP_STROBE GPIO15 GPIO19 ok ESP_AUTOFD GPIO2 - ESP_PAPER_EMPTY GPIO19 -