## GLUON_FEATURES # Specify Gluon features/packages to enable; # Gluon will automatically enable a set of packages # depending on the combination of features listed GLUON_FEATURES := \ alfred \ autoupdater \ config-mode-geo-location-osm \ ebtables-filter-multicast \ ebtables-filter-ra-dhcp \ mesh-batman-adv-15 \ mesh-vpn-fastd \ neighbour-info \ radvd \ respondd \ status-page \ web-advanced \ web-model \ web-node-role \ web-private-wifi \ web-wizard ## GLUON_SITE_PACKAGES # Specify additional Gluon/LEDE packages to include here; # A minus sign may be prepended to remove a packages from the # selection that would be enabled by default or due to the # chosen feature flags GLUON_SITE_PACKAGES := \ iwinfo DEFAULT_GLUON_RELEASE := 1.5+exp$(shell date '+%Y%m%d') # Allow overriding the release number from the command line GLUON_RELEASE ?= $(DEFAULT_GLUON_RELEASE) GLUON_IMAGEDIR ?= $(GLUON_OUTPUTDIR)/images GLUON_PRIORITY ?= 0 GLUON_REGION ?= eu GLUON_LANGS ?= de en GLUON_DEPRECATED ?= full