local ret = 0 local function fail(...) if ret == 0 then ret = 1 io.stderr:write('Configuration failed:', '\n') end io.stderr:write(' * ', string.format(...), '\n') end local function match_config(f) for line in io.lines('openwrt/.config') do if f(line) then return true end end return false end local function check_config(pattern) return match_config(function(line) return line == pattern end) end local function check_config_prefix(pattern) return match_config(function(line) return string.sub(line, 1, -2) == pattern end) end local funcs = {} function funcs.config_message(_, message, ...) local pattern = string.format(...) if not check_config(pattern) then fail('%s', message) end end function funcs.config_package(_, pkg, value) local pattern = string.format('CONFIG_PACKAGE_%s=%s', pkg, value) local res if value == 'y' then res = check_config(pattern) else res = check_config_prefix(string.sub(pattern, 1, -2)) end if not res then fail("unable to enable package '%s'", pkg) end end local lib = dofile('scripts/target_config_lib.lua')(funcs) for config, v in pairs(lib.configs) do if v == 2 then if not check_config(config) then fail("unable to set '%s'", config) end end end os.exit(ret)