# Dezentrale Kotlin Course ## Build The Documentation This repository contains some examples and slides built with [reveal-md.js](https://github.com/webpro/reveal-md "link to the git repository of the reveal md project"). To view the slides, the following command must be executed with the [node package manager (npm)](https://nodejs.org/en/download/package-manager/) [^1]: ```shell npm install -g reveal-md ``` To be able to execute the command afterwards, we have to make the path known. This can be done either once with an ```shell export PATH=:$PATH ``` or by adding this path to `~/.profile`. When this is done, you can execute the command: ```shell reveal-md docs/slides.md -w ``` ## Kotlin Native Build To compile this project natively, you have to go to the [current Kotlin release page](https://github.com/JetBrains/kotlin/releases) (currently version 1.8.0) and download the distribution that fits your operating system (you have to scroll down a bit). ```shell kotlinc-native src/nativeMain/kotlin/Main.kt -o build/Main ``` [^1]: A tutorial for the installation can be found at the [link](https://nodejs.org/en/download/package-manager/) above.