- find: paths: /srv/fai/nfsroot/boot patterns: "vmlinuz-*" register: fai_live_vmlinuz - find: paths: /srv/fai/nfsroot/boot patterns: "initrd.img-*" register: fai_live_initrd - set_fact: fai_live_vmlinuz: "{{ fai_live_vmlinuz.files[0].path |regex_replace('.*/', '') }}" fai_live_initrd: "{{ fai_live_initrd.files[0].path |regex_replace('.*/', '') }}" - name: copy linux kernel and initrd to tftp root copy: src: "/srv/fai/nfsroot/boot/{{ item }}" dest: "{{ ipxe_download_dir }}/{{ item }}" owner: root group: root mode: u=rw,g=r,o=r remote_src: true with_items: - "{{ fai_live_vmlinuz }}" - "{{ fai_live_initrd }}" - name: generate squashfs image of root files stat: path: "{{ fai_squashfs_path }}" register: squash_img - name: generate a downloadable squashfs of root filesystem shell: "fai-cd -f -M -S {{ fai_squashfs_path }} -d {{ http_mirror_fai_profiles_url }}" when: "not squash_img.stat.exists" - name: copy additional files synchronize: src: "{{ item.value.files }}/" dest: "{{ ipxe_download_dir }}/{{ item.key }}" mode: push delete: yes recursive: yes with_dict: "{{ ipxe_additional_entries }}"