--- - name: provision aps hosts: accesspoints gather_facts: no vars: - wifi_ssid: "GU Deutscher Platz" - wifi_encryption: "none" tasks: - name: create clients bridge (vlan) blockinfile: path: /etc/config/network block: | config interface 'clients' option type 'bridge' option ifname 'eth0.2' notify: - reload network - name: configure wireless template: src: templates/aruba-ap-105_wireless.j2 dest: /etc/config/wireless notify: - reload wifi # current os ships with that package and leaks mac addresses into prometheus # therefore we nuke it - name: remove prometheus-node-exporter-lua-hostapd_stations opkg: name: prometheus-node-exporter-lua-hostapd_stations state: absent notify: - restart prometheus-node-exporter-lua - name: install prometheus-node-exporter-lua-wifi opkg: name: prometheus-node-exporter-lua-wifi update_cache: yes notify: - restart prometheus-node-exporter-lua - name: install iwinfo opkg: name: iwinfo handlers: - name: reload network service: name: network state: reloaded - name: reload wifi command: wifi reconf - name: restart prometheus-node-exporter-lua service: name: prometheus-node-exporter-lua state: restarted